Monday, October 12, 2015

Poetry Jornal

Wasted Hope

A stack of pancakes 
Drenched with syrup
Are they mine?

Inching closer 
Daring to hope
Did they change their mind?

Prayers answered
Stumbling to the the table
reaching blindly

A flash of pudgy skin knocking me down
Heart sinking

They never change their minds
Image result for pancakes  

The morning I wrote this piece was one of my Harry Potter days. Harry Potter day are when I will think about Harry all day. Those are days when I'm most likey to have lively debates over Harry Potter. I believe this could of happened at the Dursley's house, maybe age 7. I chose this piece because of my slight obsession with all things wizarding. It was originally written on October 5 as a paragraph. I thought this would be interesting because I only have 3 paragraphs written. Two of them are me venting about random stuff. I believe that this is like Harry because of how he fixates on food. If I had just written a paragraph/poem on bullying it could be many characters. But the pudgy skin of Dudly and the hope Harry still has despite everything is why I believe this to be a Harry Potter like poem. During the revision process I simply removed connecting words and changed every important sentence into a phrase. Some of the sentences were left as is. There was a lot of useless information. So my paragraph of 3 quarters of a page became to a few frases in an interesting order. I split the frases in three because of the importance the author places on the number three. 3 Dursleys, the golden trio, etc. the last phrase is by itself because in the beginning Harry is by himself, and in the end it is Harry who has to fight by himself. 



  1. I like how you made a poem about pancakes really deep

  2. Vaishali- You inspire me so much! This is so deep and really makes me think. You truly have a gift with writing and poetry. I think you could go far in life with your wonderful and kind personality, and your talent for writing. I can't wait to get to know you better this year! Keep up the good work!!
