Friday, December 11, 2015

2nd Quarter Poetry Journal Refection

Sorrowful Thankless

Walking the aisle way,
lights flicker while picking, choosing
choosing, feeling for plump firm flesh.
This is important. He is very careful
about what he puts in his body.
She is a bulldozer, knocking over his cart,
ruining the selection. He may 
have forgiven her, but she was rude. 
In rudeness she continues. She awoke 
the monster.

It's Thanksgiving now. He 
serves the host breast. He, 
unknowing of the truth. Of what he
consumed is thankful. What manners.
The bulldozer flashed through his 
mind, she has made up for the flesh she 
ruined that day, with her own. What a pig.
Image result for hannibalImage result for hannibal and will


I was inspired by Hannibal and the poem on the board when I wrote this piece. When I first had this idea I wrote  like prose-poetry. I added more metaphor and split a few lines. I took the line, "he serves the hostess breast" from the original poem on the board. I altered that slightly because in the TV show Hannibal, The two main characters are both male. I also added the concept of rudeness and manners because Hannibal appreciates manners and eats the rude. 

Independent Reading

Your Books

I have many books this quarter would leave you reading till next semester. My top 5 books were Addicted to Murder by Barry McCauley, The Academy by CL Stone, Insight by Jamie Magee, Simmer by Kaitlyn Davis, and lastly Tomorrow, when the War Began by John Marsden. These  books were simple reads. They were not nearly as difficult as a few others I have read in the past however they were engaging. I read fewer books this quarter because I have been studying for finals and have had many other responsibilities. This saddens me greatly be exhaust I love to read. It a favored hobby of mine. I believe the best book I read this quarter was Addicted to Murder, this story flipped my entire perspective of sociopathy. I considered their minds and actions cleaner than and other type of person. The way we shows his utter lack of a plan adds a new division in my mind to serial killers. I believe I read challenging books when I am relaxed and simpler books when I am  stressed or time crunched.

Your Goal
My goal for this quarter was to read 10 memorable books with 250-1000 pages each. I sort of met this goal. I did read ten books that were 250-1000 pages long, however my choices didn't have the best quality or intellectual value. I want to read atleast 10 books next semester with only two books from the same genre. I also want to read atleast two nonfiction books. I also want all of my books to be 150-1000 pages long. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

To fraud, or not to fraud?

William Shakespeare. A man who has risen from the slums to succes. He who commands the written word with grace like a sword. A worldly gentlemen who helps us experience the daunting challenges and fates his characters experiance. However there has been much recent debate. For such a modest background, is Shakespeare really who he said he is? Is his plays to accurate to be words of a commoner? The debate that has been racing through our country, invading our homes is that very question.

I believe that these accusations are false, all of you should stand with me. Those who doubt the integrity to Shakespeare's words doubt the ability of the common folk. They would rather be life that a noblemen was pulling the strings than be live that a commoner could be so prolific. Let me tell you that their wrong. The two people that the doubters believe may be the true Shakespeare is Francis Bacon and Edward de Vere. 

They also believe that Shakespeare supposedly wrote too many plays than possible during his lifetime. How can anyone put a limit to how much a person can write? Does this mean that only a nobleman could so much work during a lifetime? I'll let you decide, but you know my opinion. 

The last thing that many protesters believe in is that many of Shakespearian quotes and passages have secret messages that allude to his true identity. However consider the sheer amount of works he has written. Thirty-seven plays, 5 poems, and 157 sonnets. There are enough words to create any phrase people want. 

Today I tell you about Shakespeare, an incredible man. Don't just listen to those noblemen who believe that commoners are nothing but dirt under their boots. Choose to believe in the commoners and noblemen. Their ability to all have taken and achieve greatness. Believe in William Shakespeare.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Picture This

This picture is symbolic of strength vs. smarts. While this conflict is tried and true it can still be seen in every school, job, and activity around the nation. The flexing muscles are strength and the brain is intelligence. While brute strength is, strong, intelligence is always greater.

“I had uncreated life. I felt euphoric. I felt like the God of destruction. Momentarily I felt invincible"(McCauley, 1101)

The main conflict in my memoir is the strong versus the weak. Throughout the book Gary has been abused and taken advantage of by many people. He arrived to get stronger, but his stature was never on his side. When he became an adult, he was away from the people who hurt him but the damage was done and he had to prove he was strong. He used his intelligence to corner, outwit, trap and eventually kill people. When he does kill he feels invincible. The quote above shows this because that is what he feels when he kill. It makes feel strong.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Poetry Jornal

Wasted Hope

A stack of pancakes 
Drenched with syrup
Are they mine?

Inching closer 
Daring to hope
Did they change their mind?

Prayers answered
Stumbling to the the table
reaching blindly

A flash of pudgy skin knocking me down
Heart sinking

They never change their minds
Image result for pancakes  

The morning I wrote this piece was one of my Harry Potter days. Harry Potter day are when I will think about Harry all day. Those are days when I'm most likey to have lively debates over Harry Potter. I believe this could of happened at the Dursley's house, maybe age 7. I chose this piece because of my slight obsession with all things wizarding. It was originally written on October 5 as a paragraph. I thought this would be interesting because I only have 3 paragraphs written. Two of them are me venting about random stuff. I believe that this is like Harry because of how he fixates on food. If I had just written a paragraph/poem on bullying it could be many characters. But the pudgy skin of Dudly and the hope Harry still has despite everything is why I believe this to be a Harry Potter like poem. During the revision process I simply removed connecting words and changed every important sentence into a phrase. Some of the sentences were left as is. There was a lot of useless information. So my paragraph of 3 quarters of a page became to a few frases in an interesting order. I split the frases in three because of the importance the author places on the number three. 3 Dursleys, the golden trio, etc. the last phrase is by itself because in the beginning Harry is by himself, and in the end it is Harry who has to fight by himself. 


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Independent reading

If you know me in any true capacity,then you know that I love to read. In past years you wouldn't see me without a book on hand. Recently I have all my books on my phone. But even if you don't see me without a book, I'll be talking about books. 
After regaling you with potential useless information I'm sure your wondering why in the world am I telling you all of this is the first question I see on my bright computer screen as I sit in my dark room.  "How many books did you finish?" This question isn't new too me, however those who ask never get a satisfactory response. The true and utmost fact of the matter is, I don't know. How ever I do remember the highlights. Of the potentially hundreds of books I've read this school year only 9 books were truly exceptional. I think this number is smaller than past years due to less time. If you account for homework, speech and debate, key club, my brother, and social obligations, most of my reading time has been sucked away. 
I read a wide variety of of books, at times I read extremely difficult philosophical books and at others children's books. However this year I have gravitated  towards non fiction and realistic fiction. Nonfiction and realistic fiction are a challenge for me because I love fantasy. Things that can't possibly exist are my passion. Fantastical stories with mysterious creatures have always been exciting. Forcing myself to read those types of books keeps my feet on the ground  and head out of the clouds.
I have never truly been able to choose a best book or series. I'll make a decision and 5 seconds later choose another. So book I choose know won't be the same as one I chose 6 minutes from now. As I sit here typing the one that comes in is the killer instinct. It's part of the naturals series. I choose this because I laughed the most reading this book and the author has this really interesting style of writing. 
I plan on reading an unknown number of books. Of this books I read 10 should be interesting and well written books. They will be 250 to 1000 pages long. I believe most will be either nonfiction or realistic fiction. A few may be fantasy. I will read potentially all levels of books as anyone can get something from any kind of book.
Reading to me is more than just a pass time or an assignment. It is my way of connecting to people. Reading the thoughts of others, even if they don't really exist, help me to break the barrier I see between myself and those around me. A book I read early on this year said something along the lines no one care what you mean, they care about what they think you mean. Not even two days later I lectured my brother on that very topic. Spiritual reading is being able to use and assimilate everything you read into your life. I believe that I have always read deeply, many of my beliefs and thoughts are shaped by great and commendable authors. Reading deeply helps me learn about the world around me. I will always read. But twenty years from know I will still remember things I've read this year and still apply them. 
Image result for killer instinct, bookImage result for White space, bookImage result for The sky is falling, bookImage result for the recruit cherub
These are just a few of the books I read!

Friday, October 2, 2015


Stop making assumptions
When you can't even complete your corrections
All you want is veneration
When you don't even care about other generations

Let me tell you a trick
If you know you're weak
Get a real life and explore
That when you're alone, you can't roar

There isn't any sincerity in your world
Like when you get scolded, you'll curl
But a period after you'll swear
Just to cover up and say it wasn't fair
The theme for my story is think before you act. Don't make assumptions. In my narrative I rush my decisions. I don't stop and think. I assume is 8 am instead of 8 pm. I rush downstairs and almost slip. I also assume that it's morning because I fell asleep.
The theme of my poem is one assumption can cause a lot of mistakes. The poem talks about the process we go through when me make an incorrect assumption. We justify it to ourselves and everyone else. We lie about it. Finally we try to cover it up. We make a lot of stupid decisions based on an incorrect belief.