Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Things I Learned Last Year

The universe is constantly moving apart. 

High school is a life-changing that doesn't truly change anyone.

Some friendships can last long periods of time, through separation and fights. Others are ment to crumble away Thoth time.

4.5% of conjoined twins survive birth. 

Death affects more living than dead.

Relationships are ever changing. One may start a friend, become an enemy, and eventually family.

6:13 women are stalked while 2:49 men are stalked. Doesn't that show popularity. 

Abraham Lincoln once said, "What ever you are, be a good one".

The lay year was a challange to face. There have been many changes. I moved, my uncle is in the hospital, I'm going to a new school. I think the most profound thing that I must remember is that I haven't changed. My poem has a serious tone. I fell that it reflect the past year very well. Each and every topic is a serious facet of life. I feel it is also begins a little melancholy and ends with a little hope. My poem has no structural pattern while Staffords has a pattern. His tone is snarky whilst mine is more subdued. We both separate our topics by a line in between. Staffords poem and mine share similarities.

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